Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Baby Update

Hi family! Well, I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on Baby Kirksey. I just got home from my 16 week appointment, and my doctor said that everything looks great! I have gained a couple of pounds (and inches!) in the last 4 weeks, my blood pressure is great, and the baby's heartbeat sounded perfect. So, I didn't learn much, but it was all good news. I will be going back on October 2 for a sonogram so that we can find out the baby's sex. Tyson will be coming with me to that one, and we are both really excited to find out! Thanks so much for all the prayers that I know y'all have been sending up for us and the baby...keep it up! :)

Love, Sarah

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ike Strikes

Hurricane Ike blew through Tyler last Saturday! We had lots of wind and a fair amount of rain. There are so many of trees down in Tyler. This one is on a lot that Greg owns. I drove through a neighborhood near ours, and saw huge trees down on the roofs of two houses.

Our yard was (is) littered with branches and twigs, but thankfully our big trees stayed put.

Beth and Matt lost power and spent Saturday night at our house. There were trees down at both ends of their street and they had to exit their neighborhood through the cemetery across the street. She's talking to Sarah about baby stuff - I think it took her mind off of things.

Dad never lost power, so our family made it through. Ike was gone by Sunday morning and we had a beautiful day with blue skies. Tyler is filled with people who evacuated and who knows when they'll get to go back home.