Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Emery Elizabeth

Guess who turned one today? Miss Emery Elizabeth Madison! We celebrated Emery's birthday on Saturday, the 14th, so the families could get together. These adorable flowers greeted us as we walked up the sidewalk.

Here is Emery's birthday banner. Again adorable. I think this is a keeper. I'd be pulling this out every year on August 17th if I were Beth!

Beth asked us to dress in black, pink or zebra. Here are Camryn and Sarah. Sarah made Camryn's little shirt. Again with the adorable.

There was a little cousin playtime before the party started.

There was also a little daddy time.

Oh that little tutu was the cutest!

The boys wore black. I guess they don't have a lot of hot pink or zebra in their closets!

She's one year old!

Yes it's pink hair. But it's fake pink hair. Hey Beth, I think you should wear this every year on August 17th!

Beth made the cupcakes - they were delicious.

Beth and Matt were excited - smile Emery!

Her adoring fans.
This was the first present she opened and she loved Arthur the pig - a present from Uncle Stu and Aunt Casey. She had to show him to everybody.

The girl enjoyed the present part a lot.

She even loved the bows.

Beth gave her a little sweater. Beth has one just like it!

On Sunday we came to my house for lunch. Here I am with the grandgirls. I made their little dresses and Beth and Sarah were sweet to dress them in them.

Mimi, Emery and Gigi.

The grandmothers, the kids and the grandkid.

Happy Birthday Emery - I love you so much!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Chip Again

I went to see Chip today. And believe me that was not on my agenda this morning. I had written him a note earlier in the week, sent him a little money and crossed him off my list. Done. Way to go, Dana. I pushed the thought of actually going down to the jail to the back of my mind - happily I might add.

Then something happened. I went to a lunch at First Baptist - a group of interested people were meeting to discuss homelessness in Tyler and I was "intererested", so I went. As I walked in I met Pat Mallory, a minister at FB. She's one of those warm southern women who have never met a stranger and she immediately asked for a hug. She started talking about her involvement with the homeless in Tyler. And then she started talking about Chip. Out of the blue.

She said, "I'm going over to see him right after this meeting." Huh? Really? I said, "Well I'd like to see him, but I'm not on his approved list." (Good excuse right?) "Well, you don't have to be on any list - do you want to come with me?"

I begged off - I AM busy, and you know I'd written that note and all. But as I sat in that meeting, I decided I wasn't THAT busy and thank you God for providing this nudge to do the right thing.

So we went. Visitation at the jail - well it's an experience. I'd been a "jail minister" when I attended Shiloh Road, so I'd been there. But that's been a long time ago. Lots of rules, lots of people, loud, hot and noisy. That pretty much describes it. We had to wait for an hour (I got to know Pat a little better) and then it was our turn.

The visitation room is long and narrow with plexiglass between you and the inmate. You talk through a grate and everyone is talking and yelling at the same time. Yes it is very loud in there. There are probably around 12 cubicles. Anyway there he was.

Same brown eyes, quiet, restrained and happy to see us. But sad. He wants me to find out about his little brother Malcom. He worries about him. He was glad to hear that our little church was concerned about him. He let me pray for him.

SO, please pray for Chip. I talked to a police officer earlier in the week, and she told me that he's been put in a side cell and is on suicide watch because of his violent behavior. I can't even imagine all the legal trouble he's in. But the spiritual battle that he faces is even more intense.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Precious Preciousness

Oh this little girl is so adorable! I went to Carrollton last week to visit and get AWAY from the roofers at my house. Sarah and I scrapbooked - yes another one! This is for Emery's first birthday. We also went to a neighborhood pool one morning. It's called the Rainforest and it is a beautiful facility - just for little kids. We went to a couple of malls to let Camryn play in the indoor playground - cool and again designed for the little ones. I may have done a little shopping and then it was time to come back home. To a new roof and lots of rotten eaves and repair work that we didn't realize was necessary. Sigh.

Saturday, July 10, 2010



He came to The Gathering for the first time last winter. It was cold and wet that night, and I remember him walking in - young, thin, dark eyes and wrapped in a damp black hoodie. I walked over to introduce myself as he was getting coffee and a cookie.

I'll never forget the look in his eyes when I held his cold hand and told him I was glad to meet him. It was a startled look, wary, almost mad and I sensed that I had invaded his space, offered a greeting that he didn't necessarily want and hadn't asked for. So I backed off.

He sat in the back of the room in a chair by himself with his arms crossed and his head down - the hood never coming off. Just silent and alone. But he kept coming back oddly enough - distant, sad and sometimes just plain angry. Chip was trouble - I could sense it and I was afraid of him.

Then one night the floodgates opened up. When Greg asked if anyone had something to share, he raised his hand and told us about the darkness that surrounded him. That his thoughts were so chaotic and sad that he didn't know what to do. He told us that his mother had burned to death in a house fire and that he couldn't understand how God could allow that. He said he wanted to be a "good person" but the darkness around him wouldn't let it happen.

Another night he got into an argument with Rick, an older homeless man. They went outside and Chip screamed profanities at him, knocked a plate of food from his hand, threatened to kill him. I yelled that I was going to call the police. Eventually, Rick stalked away, and Chip ran away. I've never seen anyone angrier than Chip that night. It probably lasted a couple of minutes, but it seemed like forever.

But he kept coming back. Two weeks ago Chip plopped down beside me as we were starting up at The Gathering. He slumped in the chair, said hi and handed me a piece of paper. I looked down and it was the program for his mother's funeral. There was a picture of her smiling, one of her mowing the lawn, her obituary and finally a poem - The Serenity Prayer. I was pretty touched that he shared it with me, and then during share time he asked me to read it to the group. Later, as, I was standing around talking to a friend, he circled us, put his head on my shoulder and said thank you. Then off he went. That's the last time I saw him.

About a week ago he assaulted 3 off duty police officers. They were out jogging at midnight, he thought they were some people he had gotten into an argument with earlier and confronted them. They tried to tell him who they were, showed their ID, and he shouted he didn't care and pulled a knife. They subdued him and he's in jail now.

Sad, sad, sad. Don't know what to do sad. I guess he'll spend the rest of his life in jail. I need to write to him, go see him, but I don't know what to say. I think I have to try.

I'm not making excuses for him - he assaulted police officers. Plain and simple. Did the demon do it? Did his mental state contribute to it? Is he schizophrenic, psychotic, bi-polar, depressed, all of the above? What pushes a person to such behavior?

Lord Jesus may your peace descend on Chip.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Beth's Birthday

Yes, we celebrated Beth's birthday last weekend. She's 29, which means I'm 59, which means next year she will be ___ and I will be ___. Time does fly!
Wednesday: Happily, Sarah and Camryn came on Wednesday afternoon but sadly Tyson had to stay home and work. Sarah headed out to Flint for pizza and playtime while Greg and I went to church. He is leading a discussion group on Wednesday nights and is so good at facilitating discussion, listening to people, asking good questions and encouraging everyone to expresses their spiritual thoughts. I always love the classes he leads and I'm not just SAYING that.

Thursday: OK and Camryn enjoyed a little together time while Sarah and I shopped and ran errands for Bethie's birthday.

Later that afternoon Beth and Emery came over. Oh those adorable little girls - sister cousins! Emery decided she needed Camryn's favorite toy - Panda. They both think he's pretty special.

Where does she get those curls? They're on BOTH sides of the family!

Next it was time to - well not FIGHT over the water bottle, but both of them wanted it at the same time!

We sat down to supper while three guys were working to retexture our hallway. They are so polite, and such hard workers, but it's so WEIRD to have extra people in the house!

As we were eating, we noticed that Camry had some odd looking bug bites. But it became clear pretty quickly that the bites were hives. She had been taking an antibiotic for another ear infection and had a bad reaction. So sad.

Friday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETH! I love her so much and what a precious blessing she is to us all. Matt thought it would be fun to have a day of surprises for her, and it began with a morning at the zoo.

Sarah, Camryn, Greg and I waited for the birthday girl at the entrance to the zoo. You'll notice a swollen eye for poor Little C. Her feet were so puffy that Sarah couldn't get her shoes on. The hives had gotten worse unfortunately, so Sarah called her doctor's office and they recommended that she take her in to an urgent care place. (Sarah did that later and they gave Camryn steroids and a different antibiotic).

The birthday party arrives!

Sisters - precious.

This is the only animal picture of the morning. Why post animal pictures when you can post grandbaby pictures? She's a Crowned Crane, by the way and had two funny looking babies nearby.

Riding shoulders at the zoo - well sure.

This was in the penguin area - she was a little sleepy but still so sweet and adorable!

It was a perfect zoo day weather-wise. Cloudy, cool (for July). But it started to rain pretty hard, so we sat on the bench in front of the otter pool and watched them play. They are so entertaining. The little girls loved them.

We made a run for the cars and then went to my house for a surprise brunch. Sarah set such a pretty table!

There were presents....

and food....

and cake....Matt made sure it was chocolate. Emery got a little piece, which surprised her at first, but she warmed up to it pretty quickly.
Then the three big girls went to Eclipse (another surprise, courtesy of Matt). Yes it was good, but we were a little late and had to sit on the second row. But it was still good.

Saturday: Matt took Beth to Dallas for a night and we kept Emery - and that's IT! Whew, I'm tired just blogging about it, but it was fun and I think Beth was surprised! Sarah and Camryn headed back to Carrollton and Camryn is doing great - no more hives:)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Our New House

This is the new place! Not the best picture, but when I worked up enough energy to actually go outside and take a picture, there were worker's trucks parked everywhere, and this is what I ended up with. But I think you can kinda get a feel for it. It was built in 1953 or 54 (I can't remember exactly) and therefore had a master closet the size of a postage stamp. So the renovations have begun. However, there were 2 other small closets nearby and so by combining all three we were able to wind up with a nice master closet. Plus the pink tile was "cute" and "vintage" (friend's remarks) but needed to go. SORRY - I'm just not into "vintage" when it comes to plumbing and toilets, and closet space.

I went to run errands one Thursday morning and returned to a shrouded bedroom. Our contractor told us we would need to move out of the master bedroom and I dutifully cleaned out the bathroom, but wasn't prepared for this. It's kinda creepy looking - and now everything is covered by a layer of dust that is pretty amazing. It's like one of those movies where people just disappear and everything is left behind. I think I'm letting my imagination get out of control. Let's move on.

There's this in our driveway. See? Our dumpster has a happy face on it and it's green and cheerful. It beautifies the neighborhood. Right?

We've had lots of these guys around. One morning I counted three Mr. Rooter trucks parked in front of our house. See? He's cheerful and winking and smiling.

Did I mention there's workers trucks parked everywhere? I'm sure our neighbors just want to scream, but surprisingly everyone has been very nice.

But I'm saving the best for last.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Sarah, Tyson and Camryn came to Tyler last weekend, so we took everyone over to Grandaddy's for a little visit. He was happy to see the little girls (us too) and they kept him amused the whole time!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Goodbye House

We sold our house in Stonegate! It was on the market for about 3 weeks and we got 2 offers on the same day. Woohoo! The buyers wanted to move in quickly, and so we moved on May 15th.

I am a little in shock, since I thought it would take a long time to sell it, and then we had to be out so quickly. But we did it - yea for us. It is always interesting when you move to a smaller place, and lets just say we've had to let go of a few things.

I've still got to sell, give away, or throw away a fair amount of stuff, so all the decisions are a little tiring. OH WELL. I already feel lighter, less stressed and I love the new (old) place. I'll post some pictures soon. It's comfortable, in a beautiful part of town and I already feel at home.

Yes, I miss our Stonegate house, but if I could, I wouldn't go back. It's just time to move on.