Thursday, July 16, 2009

Emery Gets Her Picture Taken

As a birthday gift for Beth, Matt arranged to have a 4D sonogram taken at Storkvision. So last Friday his parents came and we all gathered around the screen - nothing. She (Emery) wouldn't cooperate - the girl just couldn't get a clear picture. But we all went out and ate Mexican food afterwards, so the chips, salsa, fajitas, etc. made everyone feel a little better.

On Tuesday afternoon, Beth, Sarah, Camryn and I went to Storkvision to try again. Greg was a little late because he'd been to the eye doc with his dad, but made it just in time. Again - Emery wouldn't cooperate! As you can see from the picture she had her hand in front of her face and WOULD NOT move it. The sonographer had Beth move, walk around, turn over, proded her, etc. Nothing. The owner came and they both prodded, pushed, etc. You get the picture. Emery still wouldn't move her hands. Then Camryn woke up and started to cry (really loudly) and things begin to happen! All of a sudden the hand came down and there she was. I think she heard her cousin - well maybe.

Beth thinks she looks like Matt :>) He also bought her a diaper bag - so cute.
Emery Elizabeth, it will be so much fun to see you in person!