This weekend Sarah and Tyson came to Tyler! So Beth, Sarah and I went to Mistletoe and Magic - the local Junior League Christmas Bazar. It was crowded, but fun. I bought my first Christmas present - earrings for Beth. Shh, don't tell her. Oh wait a minute, she picked them out. Since Sarah doesn't have pierced ears, she was uninterested!
What cow? Do you see a cow? I don't see a cow. OK, here's the deal. The lady at the jewelry booth noticed that I was having a little hot flash so she let me have her fan from Chick-fil-A. It's my favorite thing now. However, I think the cow must be mad at Sarah.

We came home - I made chicken enchiladas for supper. Beth brought some homemade biscotti and pumpkin crunch. So delicious. Then we played Speed Scrabble - Greg is the undisputed winner of that game! We also played Shanghai Rummy, a game that Tyson's mom and dad taught us.

I think Tanner and Bruiser wanted to play too. Tyson helped his parents remodel a house they are working on and Matt went for a bike ride that afternoon. Clearly the girls in this family really know how to have fun.