Friday, April 9, 2010

I Think It's a Crawling Baby

...and a laughing grandmother. Honestly, I could not stop laughing. Miss Emery is on the move!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ah Spring

Spring in Tyler is just luscious. That's the only word for it. Blue skies, fresh breezes, beautiful flowers. Our lot has several dogwoods. I love them so much. I think there is Christian symbolism attached to the shape of the flowers (the cross), but mainly they remind ME of the beauty of creation. Magnificent.

These barberries are in our front flowerbed. They are prickly, stickery, sharp - you don't want to touch them kind of bushes. But they're still beautiful and my picture doesn't do justice to the delicate dew drops all OVER them!

Tyler is known for azaleas, but they are kind of pitiful this year because of the cold winter we had. These brave ones came out on a side of the house that is a little more protected.

Then there's this. The Green Dust. This is the table on our porch. I dusted it a few hours before I took this picture. But it only lasts for a little while. I have to remind myself of this fact every spring.

Oh yes, and THIS happened last night. Mailboxes are not supposed to be laying on the ground.

We followed the tire tracks up the street and found this....

And called him.

The police officer tracked down the owner and it turned out that their teenage son (no surprise) was responsible. They were very apologetic and are going to have it repaired or rebuilt.

Then there's this.... we are selling our house. We need to downsize, so here goes.

It's a beautiful house, but it's time to move on. By the way, that's Greg... he's just gotten off the phone with the mother of the teenager. Poor woman.