First of all, I went to WalMart cause I was totally out of just about everything. But I got there early, had a list and was victorious - less than $100 spent - yea me. I will NOT buy chocolate Kisses wrapped in Christmas colors - I will NOT - yet.
Next I skyped with Sarah and Camryn - who had clapped for the first time today! Camryn, not Sarah. She was so adorable and I got to see it. I wish I had taken a picture, but did get a picture of this later on in the morning - SNOW!! It only lasted for about 10 minutes, but it was in the 30's all day today. It's really there if you look hard enough.
Beth was working on a little sewing project and needed some expert help - which she didn't get from me, but between the two of us, I think we figured it out.
While all the sewing fun was going on, OK read Emery a little book called I Am a Bunny. I've also got a picture of him reading it to Beth when she was a little girl (somewhere).
And he TRIED to read it to Camryn when she was here at Thanksgiving, but she was too busy crawling around and playing with the jingle bell toy.
Finally - just finished the Christmas tree. Here's a picture. It's looked pretty much the same for the last 20 years, except for the bows at the top!
Well, now that I look at this picture - you can't actually SEE the bows so never mind!
Sounds like a great day!